2023 LINE UP

Live music
& Talent Show

12:00 Have a Go & Buskers

A chance to get up on stage and perform.

14:00 Cassini Down

A regular at FifthFest: Original rock folk music

15:30 Emily Bollon & MbM Contemporary Gospel Choir

Gospel sounds and calming piano music

18:00 Signal to Noise

Rock Classics through the Ages

19:00 Silent Disco

Dance til you Drop

All our acts are kindly donating their time free of charge with all profits going to Fifth Farnham Scouts. Please join us and show your support.

Have a Go & Scout Buskers

Your Chance to Shine


Have you always wanted your time in the spotlight? Love to sing or perform? We invite any FifthFest festival goer to come and showcase their talents to support the event. Just come and sign up on the day!

Emily Bollon

Singer / Songwriter


Although Emily has an extensive experience singing professionally – most notably with Karen Gibson’s The Kingdom Choir and Mark De-Lisser’s ACM Gospel Choir – she has only recently begun her journey as a solo artist – performing both originals and covers in care homes and cathedrals, for weddings and funerals. As an award-winning song-writer, Emily’s original work has been sung and performed by choirs for many years – and even released singles raising thousands of pounds for charity. As she sings, do lean into Emily’s inspired lyrics – guaranteed to encourage, challenge and uplift.

MbM Contemporary Gospel Choir

Gospel Sounds


Founded and led by multi-award winning Choir Director and businesswoman, Emily Bollon, MbM Contemporary Gospel Choir enjoy learning and performing songs with a rich lyrical content – songs of faith, hope and love. The choirs – based in Woking, Merrow, Guildford, Godalming and At Home (wherever you are in the world!) – are inclusive and vibrant communities who together, gift incredibly uplifting and engaging performances.

Cassini Down

A regular at FifthFest. Original rock music.


Drawing inspiration from classic rock styles, Cassini Down’s unique original tunes are catchy and rhythmic and will have you tapping along and humming new melodies.

Originally formed in Leicester around 20 years ago, their music draws inspiration from their lives and loves. The five band members have known each other for years and their chemistry is evident in the music they make.

At Fifth Fest Cassini Down will include separate electric and acoustic sets for a great afternoon festival atmosphere.

Signal to Noise

Rock classics through the Ages


Formed out of the Rock Project, Signal to Noise is an enigmatic rock band who embrace all forms of rock music. With a set list packed with some well known rock classics, their upbeat music will be sure to get you on your feet.

Silent Disco

Dance til you Drop


Dance til you drop at our silent disco as you grab a pair of headphones and tune in to your preferred channel.

Availability limited. Book early to guarantee a pair of headphones.


Got questions about FifthFest and how it all works? Drop us a line below or via email to 5th.farnham.scouts@gmail.com
