2021 LINE UP
Live music
& Talent show
The 2021 line-up is still under development, but the first of our acts are confirmed. Watch this space for the latest acts as they are confirmed.
Cassini Down
Original Rock Music
Fifth Farnham’s Got Talent
Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts showcase their musical skills
Midlife FanClub
The best of 90s BritPop
Silent Disco
Dance til you Drop
All our acts are kindly donating their time free of charge with all profits going to Fifth Farnham Scouts. Please join us and show your support.
Cassini Down
Original rock music
Drawing inspiration from classic rock styles, Cassini Down’s unique original tunes are catchy and rhythmic and will have you tapping along and humming new melodies.
Originally formed in Leicester around 20 years ago, their music draws inspiration from their lives and loves. The five band members have known each other for years and their chemistry is evident in the music they make.
Listen now on Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Music.
“Alexa, play music by Cassini Down”
Midlife FanClub
The Best of 90s Britpop
Formed out of the Rock Project, Signal to Noise is an enigmatic rock band who embrace all forms of rock music. With a set list packed with some well known rock classics, their upbeat music will be sure to get you on your feet.
Silent Disco
Dance til you Drop
Dance til you drop at our silent disco as you grab a pair of headphones and tune in to your preferred channel.
Availability limited. Book early to guarantee a pair of headphones.
Got questions about FifthFest and how it all works? Drop us a line below or via email to fifthfest@5thfarnhamscouts.org.uk